Burbank Muzzleloaders Newsletter August 2014
August 10th we shot our silhouette match. Six people attended. The weather was a pleasant 80 or so degrees. Sam Basman won the cartridge class with a score of 13, followed by Jannu Lorentson with a score of 10. Tom Trevor was third with a score of 8. It was not a glorious scoring day for any of us.
On the fifth Sunday of this month of August, we will be hosting our fifth Sunday trail walk. That would be August 31st . come on out and try your rifleman skills at our vast assortment of strategically placed gongs at various distances. Thirty or so rounds out to be enough.
September 14th will be the annual Springfield match, hosted by Tom Trevor. Rifles will compete at 200 yds. with 15 rounds off the bench! Carbines will compete at 100 yds. with 5 rounds standing , 5rounds sitting, and 5 rounds kneeling. Or you may fire all 15 rounds standing if you wish. All of this will culminate in a five round match fired at the 400 yd. gong. Tom always puts on a great match, so dust off the old “Trapdoor” Springfield rifle and carbine, load up about forty or so rounds, and come on out and join in the fun.
That about does it for now, so until next time, See You At The Range!
Burbank Muzzleloaders, The Place To Shoot
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